Monday 13 June 2011

Electronic Test Tube Aliens

We were given the opportunity to play with a test tube alien.  I'll admit to being somewhat bemused by their description, but should have known that WowWee understand what amuses my 7yo son better than I! (Ages: 6+).

The idea is that you hatch your alien, and then have to keep them alive to discover their evil plans, with online interaction to discover their secrets, to stop the invasion of earth.

The whole family were there at the hatching, and it was difficult to keep both children's noses out of the way, whilst we waited to discover which alien we had.  The starting of its heart beating left them open mouthed, and Jasper made sure it was fed enough sloog to keep it ticking ;)

There are six different aliens to collect, and at a RRP of £12.99 thought it was excellent value.  As you can see we had the attractive blue fellow Sorum, and without spoiling your fun will say that it kept the children amused for weeks.   Unfortunately our trip away led to its demise - I couldn't bring myself to ask the cat and chicken feeder to mind the alien too, but I am under strict orders to get another one!

See them in all their glory here :)
Happy hatching :) 
Annie x