Thursday, 20 June 2013

Hungry to Happy Challenge :)

I was happy to take part in the Hungry to Happy Challenge, and was given a voucher to buy some of the new Richmond Mini Meatballs.  They are super fast to prepare, you could actually put them in the microwave, but I decided to add some bolognese sauce and bung them in the oven.

So, basically, around 2 minutes prep - opened meatballs, covered in a bolly sauce I found in the larder, then into the oven for around 8-10 minutes, whilst cooking spaghetti to serve it with.

Simple and quick and the kids loved it :)
This post is an entry for BritMums' Hungry to Happy Challenge, sponsored by Richmond Mini Meatballs.

Annie x

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Katwalk Kimberley's Wellington Boots - Just WOW!

I was very excited to receive some Katwalk Kimberley's distinctive Wellington Boots and designer "wine bottle" umbrella.   The sun may be shining today but am sure you remember the last few weeks, oh yes they were perfect for the British Summertime rain!

Not only are these Boots beautiful to look at, and very comfortable to wear, Katwalk Kimberley's is a Social Enterprise Company with the sole aim of supporting addicts in their recovery, a subject very close to business owner Abigail Fields' heart, having lost a nephew and sister to substance misuse.

I also lost a cousin to substance misuse, so it is also very close to my own heart, and I applaud and support them wholeheartedly.  
RIP Mark Magee.
Check out the distinctive Trademarked KK logo - love it :)  I shan't be waiting for rain to be wearing them again!

Annie x