Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Top 10 Twitter Trends 18-25 March :)

The new twitter for iphone shows topics trending, which often elude me, so thought I'd look up on to get an idea of a weeks worth of trending, and their intensity rating.
    4      1)  Rebecca Black - don't google, you will not get that time back!
    2      2)  Full Moon - well it was lovely :)
    1      3)  H1N1 - a worrying virus in Latin America
    1      4)  UK Comic Relief - no explanation required
    1      5)  Knut - a famous Polar Bear who died at a Berlin zoo
    1      6)  Elizabeth Taylor - a legend who died at the age of 79
    1      7)  Libyan Conflict - Operation Odyssey Dawn, US Warships on target in Libya
    1      8)  Soccer/football - interim Fluminense coach, and bad tackle on Stuart Evans
    1      9)  Alexz Johnson - Canadian singer song-writer, no other clue?
    1     10) UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship 128

So what does that tell us, that a 13yo singer (?) from Orange County is given more credence than a war!  

Slightly worrying me thinks, would love your opinion?

Annie x