Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Recycling Old Birthday Cards

As a keen recycler it annoyed me that you are unable to recycle old birthday cards and also some wrapping paper.  However, I now make use of at least half of the cards, by turning them into potential postcards.   As an occasional comper they come in very useful, and I'm sure often catch the eye ;)

As you can see this was one of Scarlett's old cards, which is now hopefully winning me a pampering present for Mothers Day (3rd April this year).

The original card, awwwww

Annoyingly wrong way round but you get the gist :)

We are all obviously fans of social media if you are reading this, but why not send a note to someone just to say hi, do we not all like receiving proper personal post!

Would love feedback!

Annie x


  1. a great idea! I reuse old Christmas cards as tags for the next year's presents, but didn't think of using Birthday cards as postcards!

  2. Fab, and I never thought of using Christmas cards as tags for presents too, brilliant idea, and anything to keep them out of landfill, win win :)

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