Monday, 16 April 2012

Frozen Herbs

My mother told me years ago that I could freeze herbs - my mum's a chef!  As with a lot of advice given when young I chose to do a yadda yadda yadda!  Since I now cook quite a lot of curries and stuff, I do buy a rediculous amount of coriander, and end up throwing a lot of it way, rotten!  Don't start me on trying to keep the pots healthy.
Frozen coriander, fresh as!
Then I remembered that gem of advice and recently started freezing coriander to great success!   You can easily pick off what you need as and when!  Will update when I try other herbs!

Any further advice on this would be greatly received!
Annie x


  1. I freeze my herbs too...It' excellent for rosemary and sage.I never tried with coriander or parsley.I will now.

  2. Brilliant thank you! Rosemary is another one I buy a lot of! Saves a small fortune - every little helps ;)
    Annie x

  3. Wow, great advice - thanks! I'm just starting to get into cooking really, hadn't even crossed my mind that I could freeze herbs too.

    1. It will save a small fortune, got fed up of keep buying the same herbs, glad to be of help!
      Annie x
