Friday, 6 April 2012

Easter Bunny vs Santa

We've come to an important place in our lives as parents but I think I've just blown it.  Jasper who is 8 in May truly believed in Santa this Christmas, and we did embrace it as we felt it may be the last!

Today however they were asking about the Easter Bunny, and when asked if it was real I told him no!  I thought he was ready, he questioned it so it must have been discussed at school, but I am now officially the worst mum in the world!

To balance this out I had been trying to let him know the true significance of Easter - being catholics and all *coughs* but denial of chocolate may be the downfall..........................After all what has chocolate eggs got to do with Jesus being crucified, buried and resurrected.  Eggs refer to new life and a celebration, but my head hurts when I overthink it all (so quite seriously what hope does he have bless him)!
Would love some advice on this!  And my overuse of the exclamation mark!
Annie x (birching myself as I tweet - bad mum)

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