Sunday 18 March 2012

Motherhood Meme

I was tagged by @zooarchaeologis on her fab blog Being A Mummy and have been asked to answer a few questions about motherhood!  So here goes.........
Describe motherhood in three words
Challenging, emotional, rewarding

Does your experience differ from your mother’s? How?
Cue Hovis music!   Growing up we were acutely aware that we didn't have very much money, and I particularly remember how expensive clothes and shoes were!  I used to make my school skirts with my Grandmother, and there was much knitting and sewing going on.  Today of course clothes are relatively cheap, and picking up bits here and there isn't a big deal!   We used to live near an industrial estate too, and the Heinz factory used to sell unlabelled tins for pennies.  Used to be a laugh guessing what was for dinner, when soup would turn out to be peaches haha!   Food today can be expensive, and is going up in line with the fuel costs needed to move it around, but I am extremely frugal and will shop around for a bargain.  My freezer is full of said bargains, and we really ought to get through them!  We didn't go without really to be honest, but I know my mother was very good at saving every penny she could so that we didn't miss out on school trips etc.   Mum also had 3 jobs to do, she worked very hard and never complained!  A burst ulcer was a bit of a wake up though!  As a working mum now, we are doing OK, and I try hard to let my kids have as much fun as they can.  Particularly for Jasper who is in school!  Being made to sit down for hours at a time is unnatural for a boy, so as much outdoors play is good for him.  On that note however I remember an outing to the zoo would have been a huuuuuuuuge deal, and we really would sing "we're all going to the zoo tomorrow" - nowadays my kids get to go so often it isn't the thrill it was for us.   We'll go to Willows Farm and they would instantly ask for a treat - in my day the going itself would have been the treat!

What’s the hardest thing about being a mum?
Getting some me time.  As I write this I am alone in the house, no radio, no TV, just the clicky-clacky of false nails on the keyboard - BLISS!  My husband has taken the kids to his mums to deliver his Mothers Day cards and flowers!  He really couldn't understand why I didn't want to come, and drove off baffled.  For me this is heavenly and I am positively loving Mothers Day - alone!

What’s the best thing?
The hugs, the I love yous, sometimes just the thank yous, and of course their reaction to the tiniest of surprises.  I also enjoy the rare moment when the two of them are getting along and playing nicely together.  As Scarlett is getting older these moments are becoming more of a regular occurrence, thank the Lord!  Also, watching them swimming, or in their school plays, their little proud faces.  And running round a playground, wrapped up warm on a bitterly cold day, oblivious to the weather, justing squealing with delight. I heard this week that kids laugh ten times more than adults do, quite right too!

How has it changed you?
My focus has shifted I guess?   Being a true Capricorn, my goat climbing to reach impossible mountain tops has relaxed a little.  I am still aware they are there waiting to be climbed, but I've given myself some time off - I may be on my own with that, but hey you asked!

What do you hope for your children?
I know its a cliche but just that they are happy.  I of course want them to have ambition and I know there will be trials and tribulations along the way, but I hope that they are strong and know when to appreciate life!  I also hope they make a pile of money and spoil their mother endlessly *jokes* ish ;)

What do you fear for them?
I am afraid of them being hurt, and yes like above I know it will happen!  My mother used to say "when you hurt I bleed" and I now know what she meant.    When either of my children are hurt or are suffering, I too feel their pain.  We are going through issues at the school at them moment, and I am fighting hard not to breakdown in front of them!  Still, as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger - sorry another of my mother's messages in my head!  (That was a ho hum moment)!

What makes it all worthwhile?
The "huggy and a kissy" request from Scarlett at nursery drop off time, and the fact that Jasper still wants a kiss before school - though not in front of his friends - obviously!  I will take these all day long, for as long as they are requested!  Lifting them out of the bath wrapped in a towel is also a nice cuddle moment - OK am starting to miss them now, that wasn't supposed to happen!

Right, now to hear some other views from @mediocre_mum @southportlush - get your blog out girl! @ChelseaMamma and @MummyBarrow - if you want to ladies!

And thanks for reading!
Annie x