Friday, 7 September 2012

Back to School

So 5th September 2012, back to school for Jasper, big boy going into Year 4!  AND of course, first day in Reception for Scarlett!

I blubbed like a baby on Jasper's first day, but I was very excited for Scarlett, being older maybe, being a sibling, I don't know, she just seems more ready than Jasper was.

When we said goodbye she hugged me a little tighter than usual, a sign of a little anxiety maybe, but she went in and blew me a kiss.

Today was her 3rd day, and she still wants me to hang her stuff up for her, which I know they will crack down on next week, but she is going willingly into the classroom, and comes home ever so happy!

So that's it then, both in the hands of the school between 8.50 and 3.15, and boy do I miss them, well until around 3.30pm when I consider boarding school *jokes*..........................

Love you two xxxx


  1. don't they both look so grown up! I had such a nice chat with Jasper on the ferry :) Hope they are both getting on well x

  2. They are lovely, thank you, and Jasper remembers you well, and Scarlett remembers helping with you little one awwwwwwwwwww x
