Wednesday, 2 May 2012

SIDS Campaign Herts County

As I work in Early Years I have been asked to be active in a new campaign to be launched in Hertfordshire.  It is trying to make people aware of Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDS), and raise awareness of the risks of co-sleeping if you are a smoker or have been drinking alcohol.
It is a hard hitting campaign, but evidence from other counties suggest it has been successful.   I nursed both my children and with both I woke to find them under the covers down by my leg somewhere.  Am not proud of the fact, and am very glad they are still with us, but that was from sheer exhaustion feeding them through the night.

It is a very emotive subject.  Welcome all comments.   At the moment I am planning to display it, though I'm going to give it a few days to decide for sure!

This is a copy of the email it came with!

300 babies in the UK die suddenly and unexpectedly in their sleep every year as a result of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS);
commonly known as cot death. In Hertfordshire, nearly a third of these types of deaths could have been avoided.
In a new hard-hitting campaign launched today, parents are being urged to put their babies to sleep in the safest place - a cot, Moses basket or crib. The Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) and its partners are aiming for high profile coverage of the safe sleeping campaign to highlight the dangers of SIDS and reduce the number of avoidable child deaths.


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