Sunday, 24 April 2011

3 Counties Radio our local BBC Radio for Bed, Herts and Bucks

I was handed yet another fantastic experience via Twitter a few weeks ago, as I was invited to appear as a guest on 3 Counties Radio.  Having twittered with Nick Coffer, AKA @mydaddycooks the idea was muted, and yesterday it happened (23rd April).

Nick has the Midday to 2pm slot entitled Nick Coffer's Weekend Kitchen where he has a Chef, a wine expert and a homecook - which in this case was me.   We bring in food and wine to sample and it really is like a dinner party on air, with the cheeky Nick asking us questions, which sometimes put you on the spot but never made you feel uncomfortable!  My beloved QPR were playing a crucial game during the show, which was referred to, but only in the form that being an Arsenal fan Nick knew exactly how I was feelling!

If you would like to listen to our show, then here is the link

You can see from the site that I was privileged to be sat alongside Fergus Martin, the Head Chef in charge of the AA Rosette award winning  Fergus brought in the most beautiful 3 course meal, starting with a mouth-watering Grilled Asparagus with Goats Cheese, Parma Ham and mixed leaves, fantastic Beef Wellington, using braising steak wrapped in a chive pancake and puff pastry, and dessert was Elderflower Cheesecake with Fresh Raspberries Compote Fruits, not only was this just beautiful to eat, it looked fantastic topped with wacky sugar!

Stefanie Steil, Director of brought in some fabulous wines to go with the courses!  Most of you know that I am a simple girl when it comes to wine, and am rarely adventurous, but these wines were fantastic and priced the same as I would pay for my usual favourite!

I brought in my slowcook Jerk Chicken, which thankfully also went down well!

Next week they will have the winner of this years Masterchef, but they won't find out who it is until it is played out on TV next week.   It is a really fun show and I will be tuning in as a regular!  Also, if you are local and class as Chef, wine expert, or simply have a passion for cooking then I recommend having a go yourself!

I have just downloaded the fact sheet, which includes Nick's Mini Easter Simnel Cake recipe, why not have a sneaky peak and have a go yourselves, I will be :)

Annie x


  1. If you felt like sharing your slow cook Jerk chicken recipe, I'd be forever indebted to you! We love jerk in this house but have been using a packet seasoning, so I'd love to have a go at making the real thing.

  2. Have used Dunns River in the past, which is fab, but will also post my recipe on here, thanks for commenting, and hoping you see this message, still working out how to reply direct rather than just posting? Apologies, newbie!
