Friday, 1 February 2013

Chilli Crab Cakes

The wonderful people at Booths sent me out a lovely Pinot Grigio and a bottle of Prosecco - ready for our Thursday 7pm #BoothsCheers party on twitter :)

I love an ice cold crisp white wine, and thought some chilli crab cakes would compliment the Pinot beautiful.  It was also my first time playing with Quinoa - loved it too, low fat and lower carbs than breadcrumbs!

Bonus too was that the only ingredient I needed was horseradish, I'd had a can of crab meat in the larder for a while, and chillies in the freezer - one of my most recent discoveries, never knew you could freeze them, and peppers and herbs etc!

Chris was playing football last night, so I've been requested to make
them again tonight.

Ingredients this makes 2 crab cakes)
1 tin of crab meat
1 red chilli (to taste)
1 tbsp low fat yoghurt (I like Greek)
1 tsp horseradish
1 tsp of lime juice
Handful of chopped coriander
1 beaten egg
Quinoa, enough to cover

Combine the crab, chilli, yoghurt, horseradish, lime and coriander in a bowl.  Using your hands form into 2 small cakes, or 1 large one depending on whether you are using small for starters, or for one main course?
If making ahead of time chill in the fridge.  Or else dip in the beaten egg, cover in the qunioa, then shallow fry in a little oil.

I served mine with a crisp Caesar Salad.  Alongside the Pinot it was a lovely Thursday treat :)

Annie x


  1. Hi Annie, they look wonderful, I am off to Looe for the fish mongers tomorrow, where the fish is caught that morning in the bay, I am sure they will have some crab. Great tip about freezing chilli, I would never have thought and horseraddish would be wonderful with crab. I will make soon. Lisa

    1. Oh Lisa I am dead jealous, I only had a tin in the larder, would love to try it with fresh crab, wow! You can also freeze tomatoes, herbs and peppers etc. by the way, again I used to throw so much away.

      I am going to try some hotter chillies next time too, was lovely, but I'd like a bit more heat, either that or maybe make a dipping sauce. The quinoa was amazing too.

      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, much appreciated!
      Annie x

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