Monday, 21 November 2011

In Seach of a 10" Android Tablet, sub £200 with 2.3 OS

24th November 2011
I appear to have bought said machine after consulting many more informed pals around the cyber city, I'll let you know when I've had a play :)
Thanks for listening :)
OK, fickle me, am now interested in the Samsung Galaxy 10" Tab, refurbed at around £250 looks a whole lot of kit for a good price.  Only problem is the mixed reviews on the Amazon site?  Anyone got one?
Below is my original post, having investigated further I feel I now *need* the following out of a tablet!
2.3 OS
10.3 flash - required for Moshi Monsters and iplayer
Capactitive screen
USB port/s
Having spoken to A1CS they have a new tablet being launched this weekend for £184 including shipping.  They are unsure of its name yet.  Whilst it has all the above spec they say it won't play iplayer? BBC website says as long as 10.3 flash and a minimum 2.2 OS it should?  Will need to investigate further, but getting there!!
Yeah I did really put that in the title, those of you who know me know that my knowledge of these things are limited.  However, a shout out on twitter has helped immensely and have narrowed gap down.  Have learnt a lot of stuff along the way too!  Many thanks to @padja1 @madbouncydogs @itsmewizard and @kingskykemark
My wish list is:
10" screen
2.3 OS (thanks to Patrick I vaguely sound like I know what I'm talking about - 
possibly 2.2 thanks to @madbouncydogs other half who is happy with it)  Review here!
Sub £200
Wifi Mifi USB ports
-  now to add the yes I'm thick bit, make sure I can have Yahoo on it etc.!
Been narrowed down to the following!
A1CS Tablet via Amazon
Flytouch 16 GB 
I discounted a Momo cos it had Resistive screen and capacative is more like an iphone screen which I'm used to?  Not sure on the capacity of the A1CS tho at the moment?
Would love your reaction to this, via twitter if you like @annieqpr
Thanks for reading!
Annie x